Semi-Flush Mount Ceiling Light Shade Vintage Ceiling Light Fitting Industrial Vintage Ceiling Light Fixture Mount Basket Cage Metal Hanging Fixture Pendant Lighting for Hallway Bar Hotel (Cage Design)

(31 customer reviews)


Semi-Flush Mount Ceiling Light Shade Vintage Ceiling Light Fitting Industrial Vintage Ceiling Light Fixture Mount Basket Cage Metal Hanging Fixture Pendant Lighting for Hallway Bar Hotel (Cage Design)

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Semi-Flush Mount Ceiling Light Shade Vintage Ceiling Light Fitting Industrial Vintage Ceiling Light Fixture Mount Basket Cage Metal Hanging Fixture Pendant Lighting for Hallway Bar Hotel (Cage Design)

Additional information

Weight 1.01 kg





17.8 ⨯ 17.72 ⨯ 5.43

31 reviews for Semi-Flush Mount Ceiling Light Shade Vintage Ceiling Light Fitting Industrial Vintage Ceiling Light Fixture Mount Basket Cage Metal Hanging Fixture Pendant Lighting for Hallway Bar Hotel (Cage Design)

  1. Mr D White (verified owner)

    Ottimo prodotto versatile e silenzioso

  2. Giampaolo G.

    Es una buena compra por la calidad del producto y la entrega. Al tener cuatro focos da bastante luz, que era uno de los temas que buscaba. Adems, la ventilacin es correcta para una habitacin de unos 12 metros cuadrados.

  3. Kevin Faber

    I had read all the reviews of this FanLight, and then decided to buy it, and take a chance that it was suitable. So here is my review of the Ceiling FanLight. When I opened the box, and took it all out, I spent a few minutes reading the manual , to see the best way to install it. I decided to not fit the small extension poll, as It was not needed for me. I then went ahead and installed the bracket flush to my ceiling. I took in mind the reviews that mentions the fan had a wobble when on. Installing the LightFan flush to the ceiling, will stop the wobble. The use of the fan was easy, and very effective. I have had a ceiling fan in my bedroom for years, for medical reasons, and need a good one. The fan is very good on the first setting, and on setting number three, well it will blow you away. I must say that I only have a small bedroom, 12×13 so the effect may be different in largersmaller rooms. I recommend this, and the seller.


    Glck gehabt und noch 2 ergattert. Beste Entscheidung fr diesen Sommer Und natrlich auch im Winter whrend der Heizperiode einsetzbar. 3 Stufen. Angenehm von der Brise. Definitiv besser als ein Stand,Tischventilator. Mit 2 Leuten einfach und zgig anzubringen.

  5. berk (verified owner)

    Non mi aspettavo per che traballasse quando acceso, pensavo fosse stabile, ma sembra che fatto cos apposta. Dalla foto mi sembrava un po pi grande ma anche cos non male.

  6. Taufiq A Mazumder (verified owner)

    Fr kleinere Rume perfekt geeignet und sieht topmodern aus . Und erfllt die Khlung die man braucht . Ein richtiger Hingucker in unserer kleinen Kche . Kann ich nur empfehlen fr den Preis

  7. Ms.Mary

    Alors le ventilateur en lui mme fait trs peu de bruit mais mont sur le plafond en plaque de pltre 80 des maisons et voil une rsonance trs dsagrable rien de prvu pour palier au problme moussejoint… dommage Oblig de bricoler

  8. Glenn s Blanding (verified owner)

    Sehr zufrieden

  9. Carolsnowden (verified owner)

    Muy satisfecha, compre dos, uno para la habitacin de mi hija, y el otro para la de matrimonio. Son silenciosos, con mando a distancia, tienen tres niveles de velocidad, muy satisfecha ya que en verano son ideales.

  10. daithio (verified owner)

    Bin voll begeistert,super Ware , macht schon auf erster Sufe khle Luft, super Design,kann man nur weiter empfehlen, ich wrde ihn wieder kaufen

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